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celebrating the women of our factory

Our hand sewn factory in El Salvador was founded by Cristina’s father, so truly a family business. We are thrilled to give you a peek inside what makes our factory so special. Starting with some of the women that make your shoes!

Right now, I am in the position of Product Development Manager, with my team we make the ideas of the designers come true, and we ensure that it is possible to replicate them in the production process while maintaining quality, durability and comfort that exceeds customer expectations.

Can you tell us about your journey and how you got to your current role?

I started working here when I was 16 years old and the first area where I worked was packing shoes, since the first day I felt a passion for the shoe process and I just wanted to learn more and more. Over the years, while attending University and studying English, I had the opportunity to grow and become a manager at the company.

Do you have any advice for women in the workforce that are trying to build their career?

Women have the ability to handle many roles (employment, a family, a home, study, sports and still make time to enjoy with our friends) we are capable of achieving everything we set out to do. I invite you to always look for opportunities of improvement and work planned to achieve them. In difficult or tired moments, do not faint because that is where many stays, but those who overcome those moments, are the ones who see their dreams come true.

What does the idea of women supporting women mean to you?

By nature, the opposite sex is completely different. Women feel, love and do everything with greater intensity, so I believe that no one can understand and support us better than another woman. I believe that with our experiences we can make life easier for the new generations of women and with the skills that they bring, we will be preparing wonderful women for the world.

What do you love to do on your time off?

Share time with my kids Diego and Melanie, we like to discover our country and when we can we travel outside the country too. I also love spending time with my friends, listening to music, watching tv series and always taking a moment to thank God for all the daily blessings.

I am grateful to be a woman and to see all the achievements in my life, I have several in process and others to start, that list should never end.


What do you love most about working in the footwear industry?

What I love the most is to know that the shoes we make travel around the world to make our customers happy. It makes me feel like I'm part of something big and that I have an impact in someone’s life through a pair of shoes.

What does the idea of women supporting women mean to you?

It means women helping each other to succeed in life. As women, we are strong and capable of reaching any goal, if we support each other, we can archive incredible things!

What do you do on your time off?

I spend quality time with my family and friends as I believe building personal relationships is key to success in life. I also go to the beach every chance I have; I think it is the best place to relax and reboot energy.


How long have you been making shoes? What do you love about it?

I have worked here for 30 years. I love everything about my job, including helping to solve any problems in the production line and the creative process we apply every time a new style comes in.

What does the idea of women supporting women mean to you?

I think is an excellent idea to promote that women can support other women; I have always believed that we have a lot of intelligence and creativity to share with each other.

What do you love to do on your time off?

I love to spend time at home, always fixing or moving things around the house, I also like to sew bedding sets as a hobby.


How long have you been making shoes? What do you love about it?

I have been making shoes for 7 years. What I love is the satisfaction I get when I see the finished samples, they are artwork to me! The most important thing is to know that many people will be walking in these shoes.

What does the idea of women supporting women mean to you?

To me, it means that as women we should support each other so we can be stronger when making decisions. We should always have a mission in life and if we help each other we can reach our goals faster.

What do you love to do on your time off?

I enjoy the time with my kids, watching shows with them and helping them with their homework. I like them to feel I’m always there for them whenever they need me.


How long have you been making shoes? What do you love about it?

I have worked at this factory for 7 years. I feel proud for all the time that I've been working here. Hand-sewing is a precious art that requires strength and a delicate hand. I love being part of it.

What does the idea of women supporting women mean to you?

It’s an amazing idea, it has a lot of humanity in it. Between women we should support each other, thanks to that, there are many companies and organizations that hear our voices and help women around the world. Together we are stronger!

What do you love to do on your time off?

I love playing sports, spending time with my family and listening to music whenever I can.


How long have you been making shoes? What do you love about it?

I have been with the company for years. I love what I do, it makes me happy to be on the production floor.

What does the idea of women supporting women mean to you?

It is a great opportunity that women can help other women, so we can all get involved in the many activities.

What do you love to do on your time off?

I love to spend time with my kids during the weekend and go to Church. I also like to clean my house and have everything in order.


How long have you been making shoes? What do you love about it?

I have been making shoes for 7 years, what I love the most is to know that I am part of the big footwear industry.

What does the idea of women supporting women mean to you?

It is a very supportive initiative. If we support each other we can break many stereotypes in the society.

What do you love to do on your time off?

I love to put my earphones on and listen to electronic music in my free time.

1 comment

How incredible to have a glimpse of your company as I am from Australia and have just become aquatinted with your high quality footwear by way of internet …… of course ….. the world is our shopping ground now.
Bloomingdales stocks your footwear and I am considering to buy either the” susana platform Chelsea boot or the Chelsea embossed ankle boots “ expensive so do not want to make a mistake
Is it too much to ask what the ankle measurement around the top of the boot is , I have slim ankles and do not favour too much of a gap.
I love the fact that all your ladies are happy in their jobs and like what they are doing in whatever process of the manufacture they are involved in .

I too have an interest , not only in the beautiful shoes you make , but in the feet you are fitting them to . I was a podiatrist in Australia , for 40 years and my business relied heavily on the cooperation of women , especially in the selection of footwear suitable to their needs , a combination of quality and fit and style , necessary for their treatment .
You have a special product , keep it up
Regards Astrid deen

Astrid November 29, 2021

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