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We are so happy to introduce you to some of the women behind FREDA SALVADOR. They were kind enough to share a little bit about what women supporting women means to them and what makes working with women incredible.

Jessica Cohen, Production Assistant + Office Administrative Assistant:

What makes working with a strong team of women so great?

There is a true essence of electric determination and uplifting courageous energy that comes from working with this team of women. Each woman that is a part of the FREDA family has a true collaborative and playful contribution towards this shared vision that we all believe in, which makes everyday feel fresh.

What women (or women) in your life inspire you?

I am deeply inspired by my group of close girlfriends. As ballerinas, entrepreneurs, teachers, and creative leaders all passionately driven in their respective careers, what they all share that I am most expanded by is a true spirit of generosity and empathy which they thread into all their personal endeavors, relationships and self-growth. 

How do you celebrate other women’s achievements?

By investing my time and energy into showing up for them - on the good days or the bad days.

Name one thing (big or small) that women can do to support each other.

I have two things:) Actively listening - Really truly taking the time to listen with full presence. And, reaching out and checking in on the women in your life without their having to be a “big win” to applaud. Showing your gratitude and love for those women in the small moments, and holding space for them in the tougher times. 


Amber Cobbett, CEX Associate:

What makes working with a strong team of women so great?

It gives us all a safe space, both personally and professionally. I can be myself and also am encouraged to grow and not only am I encouraged to grow but I am given opportunities for growth. Absolutely feel so honored to work at Freda with all the women there!

What women (or woman) in your life inspire you?

Many women inspire me, my mom and my sister are always my inspiration. Lately though over the past year, my best friend Maddy has been beyond an inspiration. She was in a bad accident where she was hit by a tree and became a quadriplegic. She has had to uproot her life, change everything she knows, and still, she has the best attitude of anyone I know. She still makes time for her friends and family during recovery and cheers people on just as equally as we cheer her on. She has made me grow more than I ever thought I could, just by watching her this last year. She also has the most badass style and I am inspired by how she creates her outfits. I am truly so inspired by her, these words don't do it justice. 

How do you celebrate other women’s achievements?

I celebrate other women's achievements by sharing those achievements with other people, whether it's by word of mouth, social media, throwing a party or just calling and screaming with joy alongside them. I love to celebrate the successes of women in my life no matter how big or small. Any achievement is always a good reason to get together! 

Name one thing big or small that women can do to support each other. 

Say words of affirmation to each other. Complementing what someone is wearing is fabulous but it's even better when we support women by telling them what we love about them personally. Such as, I love how thoughtful you are! Or, you are so good at making everyone laugh because you have the best stories. We can all tell each other how much we love one another, even more! 

Katherine Willingham, Operations Associate:

What makes working with a strong team of women so great?

The endless support, professionally and personally, inspiration (including wardrobe!), and genuine investment in each other’s growth as people, coworkers and employees.

What women (or woman) in your life inspire you?

I am inspired by many women, friends, family, coworkers, and strangers. It is amazing to me how unconditional admiration can exude in every encounter between women, from the love and sacrifice my own mother has gifted me, to my friends who have been by my side through every win and every loss, to the coworker who seeks out laughter on challenging days, to the stranger on the street who smiles and stops to look you in the eye and say “I hope you have a great day.” How lucky are we to be surrounded by the strength, passion, connection, love, grit, and work ethic of so many women?

How do you celebrate other womens’ achievements?

Squealing, yelling, dancing + wine! Celebration to me means lifting each other up and giving each other the space to shine in our own unique way. Thank each other, give each other shoutouts and cheer each other on, honor another woman’s achievement by celebrating her with specific words of affirmation about the impact she has made or is making.

Name one thing (big or small) that women can do to support each other.

Always pet each other’s dogs! But really, remind each other there is always sun behind the clouds.

Melody, Product Development + Production: 

What makes working with such a strong team of women so great?

Working with a team of strong women makes me realize even more how capable women are of doing anything they set their mind to.

What women (or woman) in life inspires you?

My mom and my sisters inspire me all the time.

How do you celebrate other womens’ achievements?

I am definitely a girl’s girl. I celebrate the achievements of other women by allowing other women to be authentically themselves. The best support often comes from simply listening.

Name one thing (big or small) that women can do to support each other.

A few ways I support other women is through positive encouragement, sharing career opportunities, inclusion in the community and friend groups. 







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